Matthew 10

The Twelve Disciples; Instructions for Service

Matthew 10:4


Simon the Canaanite Mistranslation: should read Simon the Zealot.

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Matthew 10:6

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Matthew 10:7

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Matthew 10:10


Those that teach the bible are supposed to be taken care of (1 Corinthians 9:11).

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Matthew 10:12

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Matthew 10:13

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A Hard Road Ahead of Them

Matthew 10:22

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The Meaning of Discipleship

Matthew 10:24

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Matthew 10:27

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Matthew 10:28


A soul cannot be destroyed as each spirit is a part of the most high (Hebrews 12:9). What this verse is really saying is fear him that can kill you in this life and then judge you and make you go through hell in your next life (Hebrews 9:27).

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Matthew 10:30

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Matthew 10:31

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Matthew 10:36

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Matthew 10:38

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The Reward for Service