John 14:1
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John 14:2
Many mansions
Many planets. In the Kingdom of Israel, the planets will be inhabited.
Isaiah 40:22Strongs concordance
John 14:3
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John 14:5
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John 14:7
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John 14:10
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John 14:11
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John 14:13
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John 14:15
John 14:16
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John 14:17
whom the world cannot receive
Not all Israel are going to get this truth. because it seeth him not
"it" is referring to Israel and "him" is referring to the scriptures. but ye know him
The elect know the truth.
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John 14:19
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John 14:20
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John 14:21
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John 14:22
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John 14:24
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John 14:26
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John 14:27
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John 14:28
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John 14:29
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John 14:30
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John 14:31
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