Adjective · From διαβάλλω (G1225)
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This is Yahawashi talking to Israelites. murderer from the beginning
Cain - who got reincarnated as Esau, the progenitor of the Edomites.
Job 13:4Strongs concordance
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Esau will put some of the men of the Lord into concentration camps where they'll be tortured, some beheaded (Revelation 20:4), etc. The Ten days
are metaphorical.
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deceiveth the whole world
Esau has deceived the whole world with his philosophies, etc.
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laid hold
The Israelites put the Edomites in subjection. dragon
Pagan Roman Empire. a thousand years
The one thousand year period starting around the reign of Constantine the Great (circa 325AD). During this period of time, the Edomites were enslaved under Israel
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lake of fire and brimstone
The thermonuclear fire.
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